
Find Your Voice as a Leader through Coaching

In a 3-month 1-on-1 private coaching engagement, you can find your authentic, most powerful and sustainable ways of showing up in your leadership, and continue to expand your range so you can live more fully in all aspects of your life.


Other Services

Find out more about my individual coaching, ICF mentor coaching, team coaching, masterclasses, webinars, and workshops.


About Chang

PhD, CPCC, PCC; global faculty of CTI (Co-Active Training Institute); external trainer (Mastery Faculty) for Google; co-founder of Oak and Star Coaching LLP; an awakening & proud introvert (of course!); a fun-loving spirit; a Chinese living in Singapore; a student and experimentalist of life; a grown-up with a young heart. 


“I wish, as well as everybody else, to be perfectly happy; but like everybody else, it must be in my own way.” - Jane Austen.

What Clients Say


"It's not that I no longer feel insecure, I do. But the coaching has made it easier to move with and through my insecurities. It's made it possible for me to recognize 'ah this is one of those!' and then see if I can play with that, if I can wheel out other responses than the defaults of avoidance or defense. It's been quite exhilarating to try this and succeed at it. Having had such experiences during the period of coaching with Chang makes me feel we've established a base that I can build on going forward." 

— Dr Catelijne Coopmans, National University of Singapore, May 2017

Thank you for your awesome coaching! You helped me get unstuck and the possibilities from here are endless. I am already different and feeling transformed and empowered. It has been a while since I've existed in this space.

— A.I., Dubai, 2016


— 匿名, 北京, 2016